
About Cogitare

Cogitare Enfermagem  is a publication by the Nursing Department of the Federal University of Paraná and had its first edition published in 1996. Since 2015, it is available only in its electronic version, with circulation in national and international databases, directories and portals.

It is intended for the publication of original research articles, reviews, experience/case reports and free communication, in the health area, especially Nursing.

We are a journal that adopts the rolling press system. The evaluation process adopted is that of peer review, consisting of two external reviewers appointed according to the topic and focus of the article. It publishes the articles in full in Portuguese and English and, from 2022, will also publish the articles in their Spanish version.

Revista Cogitare Enfermagem provides public access to all its content, except where it is identified for non-publication, following the principle that making access to research free of charge generates greater global exchange of knowledge.

Its abbreviated title is Cogitare Enferm., which should be used in bibliographies, footnotes, references and bibliographic captions.


Printed version ISSN 1414-8536 (for editions published until 2014)

Electronic version ISSN 2176-9133


Indexed in


Bibliometric indicators

Qualis Capes: B1 (2021)

Citation Cuiden: 1,129 (2019)

SCOPUS SJR: 0.15 (2020)

Google h5: 23 (2021)

UFPR nas Redes Sociais

Universidade Federal do Paraná
Cogitare Enfermagem
Av. Prefeito Lothário Meissner, 632 – Bloco Didático II – 3° andar
CEP 80210-170 | Jardim Botânico | Curitiba | PR | Brasil
Fone: 41 3361-3755 – e-mail: –

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